Our services

Our 'Services' section offers a wide range of professional solutions to meet your diverse needs. From consultations and project development to execution and training – we're here to help you achieve your goals."

Web Development

Web Programming languages: Python, Java, PHP, Go, .Net, Node.js, Ruby, TypeScript, React, Angular, Vue.js, JavaScript Ecommerce: WooCommerce, OpenCart, Magento, BigCommerce, Wix eCommerce, Ecwid
Starlio.tech offers comprehensive web development services, leveraging the latest technologies like React, Vue, Angular, and more. Our team delivers robust, scalable, and high-performance web solutions tailored to your business needs.

Mobile Development

iOS: Swift, Objective-C, Xcode, UIKit, SwiftUI, Interface Builder, XCTest, Instruments Android: Java, Kotlin, Android Studio, Android NDK, Gradle, Retrofit, Glide, Picasso, Firebase, Espresso, Material Design"
We specialize in mobile app development, utilizing frameworks such as React Native and Flutter to create seamless, user-friendly applications for both iOS and Android platforms. Our apps are designed to engage users and drive business growth.


IoT Node-RED, MQTT, NodeMCU, ThingsBoard, AWS IoT, Azure IoT, OpenSensors, Tasmota, Home Assistant, OpenHAB, Zabbix, Grafana, InfluxDB, Kaa, Ubidots
Using custom IoT solutions, we help businesses collect, store, and exchange sensor data while reducing expenses. Our IoT engineers can develop new products or re-imagine existing ones.

AI expertise

Computer vision OpenCV, CUDA, TensorFlow, Google Vision API, Microsoft Azure Computer Vision API, Tesseract OCR, Caffe, Torch, Darknet, Dlib, YOLO, Amazon Rekognition
Starlio.tech integrates advanced AI technologies to enhance your business processes. From machine learning models to AI-driven analytics, we provide innovative solutions that help you stay ahead in a competitive market.

Development Management

Our project management services ensure your development process is smooth and efficient. We provide end-to-end management, from initial planning and strategy to execution and delivery, ensuring projects are completed on time and within budget.

Quality assurance services

Quality assurance Selenium, Postman, JUnit, Pytest,, Appium, JMeter, Cucumber,Cypress, Apache JMeter
Ensuring the highest quality, our QA services include rigorous testing processes, from automated tests to manual inspections. We identify and fix issues early to ensure your product is reliable, secure, and performs optimally.

UI/UX design approach

Our design team focuses on creating intuitive and engaging user interfaces. By understanding user behavior and preferences, we craft visually appealing and user-friendly designs that enhance user experience and satisfaction.

DevOps (DevSecOps) practices

DevOps Terraform, Docker, DataDog, CI/CD systems (Azure DevOps, BitBucket, TeamCity, GitHub, GitLab, Jenkins), AWS (VPC, Hybrid Networks, IAM, KMS, CloudWatch, EC2, ECS, EKS, Fargate, Lambda, S3, AWS RDS, AWS Aurora, Autoscaling, ELB, NoSQL Data Services, AWS Glue, AWS Athena, CloudFormation, Data Analytics Services, Redshift), Azure (Networking services, App Services, API Management Service, Storage Accounts, Event Bus, Data Factory, Azure SQL Services, Cosmos DB
Utilizing DevOps practices, we expedite product development, simplify processes, and accelerate issue resolution. We prioritize automation for reduced cycles, focusing on scalability and security.